The Role of Mother’s Milk Feeding in Crime Prevention


1 Assistant Professor of Law Faculty at North Tehran Islamic Azad University

2 Ph.d student of Criminal Law and Criminology at Allameh Tabatabai University


Islam has pointed out the importance and financial and mental effects of birth milk 1400 years ago. Nowadays the scientists of different fields (psychology, criminologists, sociology) have started different studies and have come to the result that birth milk plays important role in formation of the characteristic of the human being. Nutritional deficiencies in pregnancy cause death of the brain cells, so there is a relationship between nutritional deficiency and nutritional deficiencies in childhood and crime in youth. It is presumed that birth milk is a complete assurance, which affects the mentality of the child and also causes the IQ of the child go high and decreases the risk of diseases , mental disorders, behavioral and interest disorders and the disorders in kindness. As the brain growth and the formation of the characteristic of the human being and improvement of the physical power is done in this period, the importance of the birth milk becomes clear and the high level attributions are transferred by birth milk to the child. The latest researches say that basically the ones, who have not fed by birth milk, are the people of many disorders. Education and culture play important role in increasing the motivation of the mothers to feed their children by birth milk.
