Procedure investigation of the commission article 12 of the law of land


M.A in private law of Tarbiat Modarres university


Effects of different lands and different in nature.And because each type of special rights and privileges must be distinct types to equity and itsowners, whether natural or legal persons are not violated and the tasks that people understand this is to be done property. Obviously, to achieve this purpose should be the policy for determining the tape of land and there are legal and duties of the owners of such lands to be. At this point it is important to recognize that the implementation of rules and regulations and determine the type of land has financial implications and effects and those losses to remedy their lost right had referred to the judicial authorities and appealed to the commission to recognize lands are theory. We recognize the importance of the historical nature of urban land in the need to identity the type and source and detection performance and the issuance of the notification of the objection to the theory and the theory of diagnosis discussed.
