The Role of Legal and Criminal Sanction in Protect of Environment with Emphasis on Forests and Pastures Act of 1346


1 M.A. in Criminal Law & Criminology of Bushehr Islamic Azad University

2 M.A. in International Environmental Law of Shahid Beheshti University.


Law has been one of the most effective and the most important tools in the governments hands to keep the basic values of the society, therefore, environmental values, after being mentioned as the basic values of the human society in the 1972 conference in Stockholm, all of the nations were bounded to set a set of accurate environmental rules for protecting and supporting the environment. Our nation ‘Iran’ also was not an exception to this rule and several environmental rules in various level such as civil, criminal, administrational and regulatory laws were also legislated in Iran. One of the most important rules in this regard is the law on protection of forests and pastures act of 1346 which has been approved in support of forests and pastures. This rule is also has resorted to more criminal and some legal sanctions to guarantee natural resources which seem not to be able to respond to environmental requirements in some cases.
