Redifinition of criminal procedure


1 Ph.d in Criminal Law and Criminology.

2 Ph.d student of Criminal Law and Criminology at Qeshm Islamic Azad University


Criminal procedure without any doubt is one of the most important branches of legal science in which the most significant rights including the right to liberty, are judged. Unfortunately, this branch has not being paid attention in Iran. This lack of attention includes also its basic definition. The current definitions only deals with the technical and practical aspect of criminal procedure. They don’t dealwith the bases. Giving a cimpelete definition of criminal procedure can be done only by emphasis on its two practical and theoritical aspects. Practical aspect on one band relates to criminal process and on the other hand describes the srtucture and jurisdiction of judicial and police institutions. Criminal procedure is not limited to pracitical approach and in its theoritical aspect, the issues of origins, sources, goals and interpretion are being studied. Redifination of criminal procedure creates more general vision of this science and shows its significance.
