Criteria for Diagnosis of Accidental Criminals and Appropriate Reaction to Deal with Them


1 Assistant Professor of Law Faculty of Shiraz University

2 Ph.d Student of Criminal Law and Criminology

3 M.A. in Criminal Law and Criminology


Undeniable problem in the fight against crime is the necessity of attention to the criminal personality, and without the knowledge of his individual characteristics, we cannot expected any change in the process of fight against crime. Meanwhile, there is a more significant sensitivity toward a group known as accidental criminals. Providing a definition of accidental criminals and also investigating the available criteria to recognize this category of offenders, in addition to address the appropriate measure on how to deal with them, perform the major basis of the present article. Accidental criminals are generally respectable people and obliged to social norms and values that in particular conditions and circumstances, due to the environmental pressures (stresses) commit crime. This group of criminals completely differs of benefit criminals. The main criteria to distinguish this group of criminal are: personality characteristics of the offender (criminal) and circumstances of commission of crime. Criminal policy adopted by our country has proposed suitable strategies and measurements including benefit from institutions such as crime masking, repentance and diversion in the manner of dealing with accidental criminals; as the need to take appropriate measures in dealing with criminals (offenders) have been proposed in the study of criminologists, which are always based on tolerance, acceptance and no recourse to sever penalties
