Explaining the Concept of Social Deviance and its Place among Criminological Categories

Document Type : Technical-Scientific


1 Postdoctoral Researcher in Criminal Law and Criminology of Mazandaran University

2 PhD Student in Criminal Law and Criminology of Kharazmi University


Deviant is a unbalanced behavior of individual on lock of attention to certain social norms that is necessary think for that. The deviance may detected by from the perspective political, religious, or social and this benchmarks can cocider people behavior in terms of social response dfficient. The deviance con find a special place in betwean of criminological theories and in this way can say that the deviant, studied in attention to his behavior on dangerousness and possibility of commit a crime hn futre. Therefore a deviant frome the view of criminology it can be potential offender who change his deviant behavior to unlawful and criminal behavior in near or far future. Althoughe the now deviant can not be tomorrow offender in certain, but the place of deviance in criminology is sublime than this.
